Wow I really can not believe it is going to be 2008 next year! Where did 2007 go? I'm not sure but I think time is faster now that I am older. You know when you were a kid and time seemed to stand still? I want that back! Everyone is older now, including myself, that wasn't suppose to happen! lol Well I guess it does happen but why so fast? My youngest baby is going to be 10 this year! Oh no another boy going through puberty.... hmmm can I have a vacation?
Lets see, usually people make a list of what they want to accomplish for the new year. I don't ever do that. I make them all year long. Whenever God shows me something that needs to be changed, I either do my part or let him do his. I do reflect though on the past year and see all the fun things that happened.
Jerath came back to home school. Liam learned to read. I knit my first ever sweater. We went to Disney World! I fell in love with Florida. Last year was my hubby and I's 2nd wedding anniversary. My nieces were potty trained. We went to Jamestown and had fun. Found our new church Fairfax Community. I started a blog and have stuck to it. Liam got to ride in an airplane for the first time and he did pretty good. I might not ever repeat that adventure with him though, at least on my own lol. The list goes on and on. 2007 was a good year!
Now on to the adventures of 2008.......
Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year already?
Posted by Melinda at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: new year
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Perfect Dream.... sort of.
I had a dream last night where I was in the back yard having a pool party. There were lots of guests there most of them with British accents and the weather was a devine 85 degrees. We were sitting around knitting, eating and drinking coffee or tea. It was absolutely perfect until I walked past the pool right into a spider's web. (BTW I am terrified of spiders getting on me) It was a HUGE, grey spider. I mean this thing sat on my head and pretty much almost covered the top of it. It was very hairy but it had green eyes, that looked at you all beady like. I started freaking out trying to get the thing off my head. I was stuck! Other people tried to get it off too but it hung onto one strand of hair and wouldn't let go. Then I woke up. LOL Strange dream, of course I had to wake up my husband and mumble out "Spider on my head!" which probably just came out smmble om hd, because he was looking at me like I was nuts. Finally I woke up enough to say real words and told him about it and he said" You have really weird dreams." I have to agree, that yes I do.
Posted by Melinda at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Well my great news isn't so great anymore. I had a miscarriage. I am disappointed but not overly really. I didn't have time to become emotionally attached yet. I am bummed though because we have been trying for almost a year now. We decided though to take a break and start back to trying after the new year. I am too scared it will happen again. At least we know it can happen though, right?
Posted by Melinda at 2:22 AM 2 comments
Labels: babies
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Talking on Tuesday
I started my Tilted Duster!!!! It is going so quickly too. I am knitting it in a nice chocolate brown worsted on size 8's which gives me 4 1/2 stitches to an inch. I finished up the back, right front and started on the left front yesterday. I can't wait to finish it.
Posted by Melinda at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: knitting, sweaters, Tilted Duster, yarn
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Great News!!
Well I think I have told everyone who I can call about this news but yesterday I found out that we are PREGNANT!!!! We have been trying for 8 months now and I had just given up and thought I was too old. God gave me a surprise. Well, not really he has told me I would have another. I mean I have dreamed about her, but I just let myself tell myself that oh that is just wishful thinking. Silly me to let doubts creep into my head. I mean who put the dreams in there in the first place? DUH to me. We are super excited. I am going to wait until the new year to go to the doctor since our new and cheaper insurance will kick in then.
As for knitting, I had to frog (well in the process of frogging as I need yarn) my youngest son's sweater because he grew! I was all done with his sweater and ready to sew in the ends and all then I tried it on him and it fit but a little too snug. He grew and inch! I am making it 2 sizes bigger now lol. He might be able to wear it longer now or at least until I finish knitting the silly thing.
Posted by Melinda at 12:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
Home again. Home again.
Yay! Well sort of. I was in Florida all last week and I fell in love with the place. My hubby did too and is going to look for another job down there. We had the best time. I love the people. The weather. The plants and animals. Florida is now my new home. Not sure when we are moving BUT it will be within the year. I did almost get my youngest's sweater done though. I forgot the last ball of yarn of course though. I wanted to knit so bad and had no yarn to knit with! That will teach me to not take enough knitting along on a vacation. I read about knitting and listened to knitting podcasts instead. Can you tell I am addicted?
I am glad to have my stuff back even though it is COLD here in Northern VA. Now I gotta get my stuff down to Florida!!! Hehehe
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I reverted
Back to 4 DPN's for socks. I love the magic loop. I really do but I kept losing my place in my pattern stitch. I got so frustrated I wanted to toss the sock across the room. So I cast on for the 5th time on DPN's, suddenly everything fell into place and I was happily knitting along until I had a whole sock! Pictures to come of said sock soon. I have been lax on the pictures lately. Mainly because my camera was filling up and I didn't know what to do with the pictures. I opted for putting them up on myspace page. Now my camera is empty and I am back to taking pictures.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Stranger Than Fiction
I just got finished watching one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The movie is about a man named Harold Crick. He is an accountant and totally trapped in his own life. He always does the same thing day after day. Nothing changes for him until one day as he is walking to the bus stop, he hears a voice. This voice is narrating his life. He thinks he's crazy at first but then he realizes that the voice is telling him what is happening while it is happening, so he can't be crazy. He talks to a psychiatrist and she sends him to a literary professor. He doesn't believe him until he says this quote from the voice, "Little did he know....". The story goes on from there of Harold and the professor trying to figure out who the author might be. One day while in the professors office, Harold hears the voice on T.V. Immediately, he runs and finds the author, to tell her not to kill him. I wont tell you anymore because you need to see this movie.
This movie isn't just a comedy. It is about life and living our lives. We all live and we all die. It is what you do in between that matters. Do you want to make a difference in this world? How will you go about doing it? Will you just walk through life never touching another's, or will you go beyond your comfort zone? This movie is awesome. It is poetical. It is cinematicly beautiful. See this movie. It will touch your heart on so many different levels.
Posted by Melinda at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
It's Official I am a Hufflepuff!
The sorting hat says that I belong in Hufflepuff!

Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."
Hufflepuff students are friendly, fair-minded, modest, and hard-working. A well-known member was Cedric Digory, who represented Hogwarts in the most recent Triwizard Tournament.
Take the most scientific Harry Potter
Quiz ever created.
Posted by Melinda at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Knitting Obsession
I have had other hobbies before.... beading, macrame, quilting, crochet .... and not one of them has hit me like knitting has. For years, I sewed my own clothes. I even designed a few outfits myself but I had to give it up because of babies. Those baby things take up a lot of time, you know? You can't really say, " Hey, you there, Baby, I just need to sew this one last seam then I can change your diaper, so you can stop crying now." No, you can't. You have to stop what you are doing before you get to that seam and if you are caught in the middle than be careful not to pull it out from under the sewing needle. I just pretty much have to give up my hobbies whenever I had a baby. They just weren't portable enough.
Now, knitting is something that is super portable and stopable in the middle. You can be in the middle of a row, stop what you are doing stick your needle stops on the end and do whatever the baby wants or needs at the moment. You can sneak in a couple of stitches while waiting in line at the store. You can sneak in a couple of stitches anywhere, really. As long as you remember the yarn is on the right needle then you wont ever make the mistake of going the wrong way.
Another thing I like about knitting, is the design element of it. I love thinking up designs. I see a shirt in a store and take the bits I love about it and replace the bits I hate about it and viola I have my own design. I see so many designs in my head of sweaters I want to knit and they are all my own. I found EZ's Knitting without Tears and she has made making my own designed sweaters a dream come true. I can now make a sweater with my own gauge and design. No longer do I have to follow a pattern that I can't seem to get gauge on. Just make my own gauge swatch, do a little math and I can make it my own.
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooove knitting.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Zoo Adventures
Saturday, September 29, 2007 promised to be a great day to be out and about. My hubby, youngest son and I decided to take a trip to the D.C. Zoo. We hadn't been yet this year because the spring was just so cold and you don't go to D.C. in the summer (too many tourists). We got our snacks and everything ready and off we went. We wanted to ride the Metro into the city because the last time we tried to find a parking space it took 2 hours (yeah lets not talk about that one), plus Liam loves riding "the choo-choo train" to the zoo. Everything was great until we got to the Main station to hop on the red line. There were a lot of people hanging around and I was like wow lots of people here is unsual for a Sat morning. My hubby said one of the tracks wasn't working and red is the main line. This didn't really click in my head at first. 45 minutes later of waiting for a train to come that was going the direction we wanted to go I was like great we are FINALLY out of here..... Soooo wrong. The train that was finally going our way started smoking so they closed the whole thing down. When I heard this I said lets get out of here... Well shouted... and ran up the nearest escalader. When I got to the top I turned around to see where my hubby and Liam where and I saw this....
I have never seen so many people standing in the metro at once. It was incredible. Next we decided to hop on a bus. We were totally confused as to which one to take but finally, after asking a bus driver, and a patron standing next to us, we got a vague sense of which one to get on. After a nice tour of D.C. we got off the bus and stood waiting for another that would take us close to the zoo. And we waited.... and waited.... oh and waited some more. After 30 minutes of waiting we took off walking. It was a mere 10 city blocks to the zoo. Well we didn't think mere really we actually thought the bus would come along and pick us up so we wouldn't have to walk to whole way. Well 2 blocks from the zoo we finally saw an L bus. but it was already too late we were past the last stop.
We arrived at the zoo 3 hours after getting to the city (snicker) and were so tired from our ordeal that we had to sit for a while before we could even see anything..... but oh the sights we saw. Best day at the zoo ever I would say.......
Posted by Melinda at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: zoo
Monday, September 17, 2007
Beautiful Blog
Here is a beautiful blog I want to share with all of my bloggy friends. She has wonderful photo's of the her world on the blog. I believe she lives out in Montana. A place I wouldn't mind seeing someday. Anways, here she is Knitting Iris.
Posted by Melinda at 9:56 PM 2 comments
Labels: blogs
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Right now I am knitting my Bella sweater.
Colorway: Terra Cotta and
Needles: US 5 and 4
Size: 38 1/2
I love this yarn but I have noticed it gets a bit heavy after I get about 5 inches of the sweater done. I am having to knit it on straight needles, which I don't really like, because my Knit Picks options are metal and they were just too slippery for this yarn. My hands were starting to hurt and I figured out it was because I was physically trying to keep the loops up on the needle while trying to also keep it from sliding completely off the needles. So I switched to some generic size 5's I had laying around. I now know that I have to buy a set of wooden needle points too in case the yarn is too slippery on the metal ones.
All that to say, when this project gets too heavy for me I switch to a pair of socks. Love these socks btw. I think they are my best ever.
Posted by Melinda at 10:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: cotton, socks, sweaters, yarn. knitting
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Getting old and a couple of books...
I don't know what it is with a lot of elderly people but why do they have to talk about their health? I mean it's ok if like you are asking for someone to pray for you but when ALL you talk about is what hurts and what doesn't it gets a little annoying. I get a little annoyed cause I have no clue what to say. I also feel bad cause I am in such a good mood and exercises everyday so I won't grow old and have aches and pains. I love older people don't get me wrong and there are a lot that I know that don't talk about how bad their arthritis hurts but some I just don't like and I really feel bad cause I don't like them. My Grandpa's new wife is like this. She has really bad health problems and I happen to get in the room alone with her all she talks about is her surgery. I don't even want to think about surgery let a lone know what all is entailed in having heart surgery. The thing is the lady is really sweet but I just don't want to be a lone with her. One thing is for sure if I grow old and all I talk about is how sick I am then someone better slap me out of it. I don't want to leave this life with every young person avoiding me cause I talk about things that make them feel badly.......
I got a new knitting book this week Charmed Knits. They are patterns based on the Harry Potter movies. I am going to make Liam the Ron sweater with and L on the front instead of a R. He will like that. He loves to see his name on things. He's at that age. LOL Liam just tried to come into the house with a dead bird. SIGH boys are so gross.
Now onto vacuums. I bought one about 10 years ago it cost me over 200 bucks. I bought it at Sears they said we carry the filter so I wouldn't have to worry about it when I replaced it. A year later I went back to the store to buy a new filter. Oh no we discontinued that vacuum. So I bought a 50 dollar Eureka. Fast forward 5 years. I buy a Hoover. I love this vacuum. I need to buy a new filter 6 months into owning it. Can't find the filter anywhere even on the Hoover website. Sigh that's it I am done paying for electronics for 200 + bucks just to have them break after 6 months. I will just pay 50 for something that will last a couple years. So tired of shoddy workmanship now a days.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Best Friends Part 2
Today I talked to my best friend Stacy. After 12 years of not know what she was doing or where she was we finally found each other. We talked for 1 1/2 blissful hours. I think we were both talking so fast we could hardly get any words in. It was exciting and wonderful. It was everything I had imagined it would be thinking about the first time I would get to hear her voice again. It was like we were in our 20's talking about boyfriends and our futures. All this time has passed and it didn't even matter. Over the years I dreamed that this would be. I wondered if our friendship was the kind that no matter what would last til the end of time. I always wanted a friendship that would be forever no matter how far apart we are or how long its been we would still be the best of friends. Well I found out today I have that kind of friend in Stacy. She is and always will be the best friend anyone could have. I love you Stace!!!! You are the best.
Now I have to knit her a best friend sweater since she lives in Mass. now and it's COOOOOOOOOLD up there! They talk funny too! Haha
Posted by Melinda at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: best friends
Friday, August 31, 2007
Best Friends
Ok last night I was reading my emails before I went to bed and I got an email from Classmates saying I had a message on there. I went to check out who sent me a message and it was one of my best friends from high school!!!! I am soooooooooo happy! I have 2 best friends from high school, Julie and Stacy. I have thought about them often and wondered why they are up to since I lost touch with them both 14 years ago. These 2 girls were the best! We were always hanging out together either all together or one of us at anothers house. After high school Julie went off to college in Iowa, I lost touch with her but Stacy kept in contact. This was at a time when noone had computers really and I was terrible at letter writing so I guess this is why I lost contact. I don't really remember lol. Stacy and me hung out for a few years after school. Ok we hung out A LOT. We were pretty much inseperable. Then one day Stacy had to move out of the room she was renting and she didn't give me her new address. It was just a temp place so she was waiting to let me know her new place. I hadn't seen her much lately because she was busy working and going to school. I was busy working and taking care of my son. We hung out prob once a month at this time. The last time I saw or talked to Stacy was when she came over to get a couple of things from me and to borrow a couple of things. LOL We always swapped clothes. This way we could have double the wardrobe but only pay for one. She hung out with me for a bit had coffee and lunch then was off to school. She was moving into her new place that next weekend so she would call me when she got all settled, yet she never did. Now 14 years later, Julie has found me and she says she talks to Stacy on a regular bases!!!! I am so excited to be reunited with my best friends. Julie still acts like Julie. Now I just have to get in touch with Stacy. It is great to know what is going on with people I shared part of my life with. I have often wondered and prayed that they were both happy. I am sure Stacy finally found her man and has 3 red-headed beautiful girls like she always wanted. hehe I am so excited to see and talk to her, I can hardly stand it.
Posted by Melinda at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: friends
Saturday, August 25, 2007
SP Questionaire #2
2. If you're heading on vacation, do you take knitting with you? If so, how much and what type of project? Yes always have some type of project with me and usually I take whatever I am working on.
3. Where have you traveled to that you'd consider your favorite spot? New Hampshire. My in-laws have a cabin in the mountains there and whenever we stay it's a week of hiking and lounging around on the front porch.
4. What is your favorite knitting book at the moment? Do you own it? Vintage Knits by Sarah Dallas.... No I don't own it. It is my favorite cause I love the 30's and 40's styles and this book is full of things that I love. I think there is only one project in there that I wouldn't make.
5. Do you listen to podcasts? Which is your favorite(s)? Yes. I love Lime and Violet
Posted by Melinda at 5:01 PM 0 comments
I have a confession to make.... I loooooooooooooooove coffee. I love the smell. The taste. The color. The cute little beans. I also love cappuccino's but I haven't really had any for a few years because I just don't want to pay 5 bucks for one at Starbuck's. I found this cute little thing on Amazon and I want it for my birthday. I showed it to my hubby and said "If you don't know what to get me for my birthday I really, really, really, really want one of these!" How is that for a hint? Now I just have to wait 2 months for it. Hmmmm can I wait that long? Well I have waited almost 4 so I guess I can wait a couple more months, 60 days, 1440 minutes!
Posted by Melinda at 12:48 PM 1 comments
Labels: coffee
Friday, August 24, 2007
This is too icky and funny at the same time
Check out this website..... I sooooo can't stand squirrels. I detest them. I loathe them. I know God put them on this earth for a reason but we all know he has a strange since of humor, after all, have you seen my husbands feet?
Posted by Melinda at 3:10 PM 0 comments
So I was just looking around on Ravelry and look at this sock yarn!!
You can get it at this website. Plus the name of the store is just the coolest too! I was soooooo drooling over this yarn. It is simply delicious looking! Now this is why I love socks you can by all this beautiful yarn that only comes in like one skien and make a pair of lovely socks out of it.
Oh yeah AND the sun came out again today! After 6 whole days without knowing if the big, round, yellow thing in the sky was fact or fiction the clouds finally lifted at 9:30 A.M. this morning. I think I even heard angels singing the Hallelujah chorus......
Posted by Melinda at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
All knitty things....
I finished Mom's Second Sock! It will be off in the post tomorrow. Have fun with your new socks Mom! Now knit me a sweater! =P
Posted by Melinda at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Beautiful Day
We went outside today. It is only about 85 degrees and there is a nice breeze blowing. I found this website called Rails-to-Trails and it shows all of the what used to be an active railway and turn it into trails. There is one practically right down the street from me and I never even knew it. It is 4 miles long although we didn't walk the whole 4 miles. Yeah I am not ready to walk that far yet. Basically it would be 8 miles because we would have to walk back. It was a very nice tail, so quiet when we were completely surrounded by heavily traveled roads. I think it was because a lot of the trail was cut though hills so they act as a sound buffer. Lars and Liam played tag for some of the way. That tried Liam out, which isn't a bad thing, if you know what I mean. It was very nice to get out and see some of the No Va area. Next I want to walk one that goes to an Island in the middle of the Potomac River. It has a bird conservation on it. Sounds pretty neat.
Posted by Melinda at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tilted Duster
Has anyone seen this sweater Tilted Duster? It is in the new interweave knits mag. I haven't had a chance to go pick it up yet but I am in love it. I love the button closer and the half circles on it. Quite a few other people are knitting it on Ravelry, about 7 others and I love the yarns they have chosen for it. I am thinking I will use this yarn, in the chocolate colorway. I really want to use the slate colorway but since this will be my first sweater, I don't want to use black. I need to finish my mom's sock before I order the yarn and start it. I am halfway up the cuff now mom. I should be sending it off to you next week! I finished the first one while I was visiting her and she wouldn't let me take it home with me. She wanted to keep it lol. I think she liked it. It really is a pretty sock. I will take pictures when it is done.
Posted by Melinda at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: knit picks, knitting, socks, sweaters, yarn
Monday, August 6, 2007
Secret Pal 11 Questionaire
I am participating in my first SP thingee. I have heard how fun they are and I loved doing this when I was quilting soooo here is my questionaire or for anyone else who wants to know things about me =)
I like wool the best. I do not like all cotton or all silk. I like them blended in with wool though.
A plastic drawer. One for my circs and one for my straights.
I learned to knit when I was 16. My mom taught me and I tried to knit a scarf. It turned out very badly so I put the needles down for about 15 years. I was watching Knitty Gritty one day and decided I can do that! The rest is history. I would say I am a beginner/intermediate knitter. I love to knit socks and have done 4 pair now but have yet do knit a sweater.
Yes. There is a link to it in the sidebar.
I love chocolate or caramel or both!
I like to make beaded jewelry also and can sew.
I like anything from classical to jazz to pop. Yes my stereo can play MP3's
Purple! I don't like yellow, orange or kelly green.Other greens are good but I don't like kelly green
I live with my hubby and 2 sons. I have a bird.
I wear scarves hats and mittens. It gets cold here in No VA.
The mystery 3 stole. A stole for my sister in my own pattern. Socks for my mom.
Sure I would love them
I like circular needles. Aluminum best. I do like the look of those pretty fancy wooden ones but they are a little too grabby for socks.
No I don't own either but I really want them. I want to sell my hand dyed yarns on etsy and these would sure come in handy.
2 months my sisters stole. It is a Christmas present.
Tea sets or anything to do with tea sets such as cups and saucers. I also like teddy bears and have quit a few. Oh and of course YARN!
I would love some of that socks that rock yarn. I don't have a subscription to interweave or Vogue but those are my fav mags.
Yes my foot is 9 1/2 inches long. Cuff is 7 inches and width of foot is 9 1/2 inches
Nov. 6
Yes. My ID is MelzyKnits
Posted by Melinda at 5:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: secret pal 11
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Airports and how to get lost in them.....
I had a great time with my mom and visiting the rest of my family. It is good to be back also. You never realize how much you miss home til you come back to it. I even missed my pillow. I layed down on it last night and was like oooooooooo my pillow!
Ok, so, I flew down to AL to see my mom with my 8 year old, autistic son, right? I am not so sure I will ever fly again. LOL First of all my son shook the whole time the plan was in the air. I mean to the point where it looked like he had some kind of shaking disease. He was terrified of the shade being open so I didn't get to look out the window much. He also wanted everyone else on the plane to shut theirs also. I had to explain that they can look out of their windows if they want to and how it was rude to ask others to close theirs. Some how he thought that if the windows were closed he wouldn't fall out. Shrug.... I guess a little tiny piece of plastic was enough to assure him that he wouldn't where a huge thick quadruple pained window didn't. Makes perfect sense, right? LOL
Second, never again will I fly into or out of Atlanta. That place is just plain craziness. Look up the word in the dictionary. I just bet the airport is listed. The place is HUGE. I mean when you have to ride a tram to get to your luggage, that means it is big. Of course I didn't get a clue when the signs said 800 meters to the baggage claim, and decided to walk the whole thing. Yeah that lasted about 20 minutes and I when I was soooo exhausted that I finally read the oh only 400 meters to walk!!! I rode the tram.
Thirdly, I hate airports. They are very confusing. I got lost in Dulles when we got back home. I walked from one end of the terminal to the other end, probably about a mile of walking and couldn't find out where baggage was. I was suppose to fly into Reagan, which I would have preferred, but that flight was canceled, so I didn't know this airport at all. I couldn't really find anyone to ask until I got to the place where you crossed over. LOL I had to walk back to the middle of the terminal, saw an Airport Security guy, walked towards him and saw bus to baggage claim. I was like ooooo. I have to take a bus! By the time I got to baggage my hubby had already gotten our bags and was waiting for us outside the doors lol. It took me 30 minutes to get there.
I was sooooo ready to get home and leave airports behind forever! Ok maybe until next time! They really should put up bigger signs, maybe with pink neon flashing lights, for people who get lost in a square room. Tee Hee.
I will be uploading pictures tomorrow of my adventures with my nieces, tomorrow!
Posted by Melinda at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: airplanes, getting lost, vacation
Thursday, July 26, 2007
On Vaca!
I haven't been blogging last few days because I am at my mom's visiting in good Ol' Alabamie.
It is nice to see old friends and visit with family. I am taking lots of pictures so when I get back home I will be posting. Oh and loads of knitting going on. I finished one of my mom's socks and it fits her just right. I am on the toe of the other one now. I probably wont finish it before I leave but that is what the USPS is for!
Posted by Melinda at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Personality Test... for fun
You Are An INTJ |
![]() The Scientist You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems. Logical and strategic, you prefer for everything in your life to be organized. You tend to be a bit skeptical. You're both critical of yourself and of others. Independent and stubborn, you tend to only befriend those who are a lot like you. In love, you are always striving to improve your relationship. You have strong ideas of what love should be like. At work, you excel in figuring out difficult tasks. People think of you as "the brain." You would make an excellent scientist, engineer, or programmer. How you see yourself: Reasonable, knowledgeable, and competent When other people don't get you, they see you as: Aloof, controlling, and insensitive |
Posted by Melinda at 1:46 PM 3 comments
Labels: personalities, test
Saturday, July 14, 2007
New (to me) Blog
I found this cute blog from the Mystery Stole 3 group. She is really cute and knits beautiful lace. I think she is my new idol..... Check her out..... Knit2-Tink3
Posted by Melinda at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
Dog Days of Summer
I don't about anyone else but I haven't been knitting much. I finished my tofutsies socks. I also started on a pair of socks for my mom in KP's Palette in the Teal colorway. Other then that I haven't knitted much. I just feel too hot. It has been 90+ outside for the past week. I guess that is why. Haha..... Ravelry is so cool by the way. If you have a yarn you don't know what to do just do a search and see what others have done with it. That is how I decided on the Seduction Socks pattern for my mom. If you have a book and want to see how some of the designs knit up just do a book search. It is really awesome. I even donated some money to them. I am planning on doing that once a month because they are doing an awesome thing here. I hope they get some investors and make lots of money! It is a great idea and I hope that it shapes up the Internet community really. I mean Wekipedia is trying to do a similar thing but it is still tons of information on a lot of different things. It would be nice to be able to have all kinds of different Ravelrys on different topics. It's the analytical mind in me. I love something all done up in one neat package.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Yarn Harlot
Ok I just read Yarn Harlot's last blog and I about laughed myself out of my chair. Last week she left some roving to dry out on the back porch. When she came back for it, she found it missing. She was sure it was the squirrel thief that had visited her a couple of years ago. Today she posted an email and picture that was just too funny.
I sympathize with her greatly. I have to be careful what I put outside because it will be stole or eaten by the wild life (IE big, fat, cat-sized, man-eating squirrels). Last year I wanted to beautify my back porch and the "wild life" decided they thought it was so pretty they just had to have it. Needless to say my flower garden looked pretty sparse towards the end of summer.
This year I put it all in huge planters and they haven't touched them. HA! I see them looking at it though every once in a while. Sneaky, freaky, I mean lovely little (buggers) creatures.
Posted by Melinda at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 6, 2007
Website I found
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts this morning called Sticks & String. He was talking about a friend of his who is blogging about living with depression. David also said how he was very surprised by this because she is so creative, bright and a fun person to be around. I know a lot of creative people who suffer from depression. All through history in fact many of the greats, whether it be painter or musician have to deal with this. I read a book once about personality traits and the one that is the most creative is called Melancholic ( I believe that is what it was called. I can't find the book. I guess I have lost it.) this personality trait is the one who is most prone to depression or melancholia. I took the test in the book and I scored even in caloric (likes order, to be in control, analytical) and melancholic (creative, attentive to detail). I also unfortunately have the depression. It started after I had my first baby. You know the baby blues that are suppose to go away after 3 weeks or so? Well, they never went away. I didn't know it at the time that I was still depressed. I was too busy really to notice how I felt inside. What with being a single mom having to work full time and a social life, I just never thought about myself much. Then, one Sunday, we had a guest speaker at church. He talked about depression and I realized 2 years later that I had been depressed all this time. When they had an alter call at the end of the service, I went and was prayed for. I had my eyes closed while they were praying for me and when I opened them it was like a film had lifted off of my eyes. Everything before had looked like it was grayed out somehow. I hadn't noticed this because living in it seldom does one notice what they are used to. Even the brightest yellows were somehow muted in my eyes. When this grey film was lifted I could see again. Everything looked bright. I could see again.
Fast forward 7 years to my 2nd baby.... I got the dreaded baby blues again. This time I breast feed so that helped some but the depression didn't go away. I don't think it helped that I was married to a man that was emotionally bankrupt and had no compassion or gave any thought to anyone but himself. It didn't help my depression that by the time my 2nd son was 2 I was going through a divorce and also finding out that my son was autistic. I guess it also didn't help that I had no job, no car, and no house to live in. Let me just say that if God wasn't there always watching me and that I had praying family and friends, I would not be here typing this blog. My sons would not be alive and breathing and I would not have met my wonderful husband. I got to the point in my depression that one day I almost didn't turn off the car when i pulled into the garage. God used my beautiful babies. They were the only reason I turned off the car. I saw them grown up and living for God in that split second after I thought about not turning the ignition off.
Now I rarely have thoughts of suicide. I rarely even have bouts of sadness but they are there always in the back of my thoughts. Its always sitting there on my right shoulder. Trusting God has done a lot to alleviate the pain. I don't want to take drugs, although I probably should, but I am trying diet and exercise instead.
One thing that has helped me is crafting. Making things with my hands has always helped with the pain. It helps me forget myself as I make things for the people I love. I am now using yarn and 2 pointy sticks. I am knitting away the pain.
Here is a website called Stitchlinks that tells how knitting is therapy. I didn't even know that all the crafting I have done over the years is my therapy but I do now and it endears me to it even more.
Posted by Melinda at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: depression, knitting, life, yarn
Monday, July 2, 2007
Drum Roll Please.....
I finally got invited to Ravelry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wow this thing is as awesome as everyone has said. You can look up anything knitterly that you want. It will show you peoples blogs. It shows you yarn porn. Anything and everything. I really think it's the new Google of Knitty things. Its the new Knitepedia! It is awesome. I have waited 8 weeks! I tell you it is worth the wait.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Is it really Friday again???
I can't believe this week has gone by already. I didn't get much blogging done this week because I haven't been feeling very well. I have been so tired all week, like I haven't slept much at all every night. I have slept well every single night, even going to sleep at an early 10 p.m. also! I usually go to bed around 10 but don't go to sleep until around 12ish. I knit or read or listen to my Ipod for a bit.
Well I finished one sock in the tofutsies yarn and am now 5 inches up the foot on the 2nd sock. I am going up the leg of my mom's first sock. I think I am using too small of needles for hers and they are really hurting my hands when I knit with them. Not sure if I should just reknit them or not. Maybe I should I don't know lol. I mean its not like I promised them to her or gave her a date of when they are going to be done. I think I will reknit them. That way I will keep my sanity and the socks wont feel so hard. I mean they felt OK at first but I keep looking at them and feeling them and thinking wow they resemble cardboard.... yet trudging along I go.
I also received my silk lace yarn in the mail and started the mystery stole. OK this is my first time knitting with lace weight yarn and I gotta tell ya its like knitting with spider silk! Except with out the stickiness and the creepy crawly bug of course. It is sooooooooooooooooooo thin and the word thin is an understatement hence the many, many o's on the so. I have knitted up to row 35 on the pattern. So far we have up to row 99. I looked at what I have and then guesstimated that by the time I am at the 99th row the shawl will be about 5 inches. LOL It looks like a mass of cobwebs. Then when I end the row I will stretch it out a little and the pattern magically appears. Oh this may take me months, even years but I am going to finish this stole. When it is done it will be my pride and joy. I may even want to knit with lace weight again but I am thinking next time I will use DK weight or fingering weight for my next lace adventure. Ok so those wont fit through a wedding ring but at least I will still be sane after I knit them.
Posted by Melinda at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
Check out what I did....
My first attempt at dying. It turned into an accident color that is very pretty. I had the yarn all soaking while I went out to get the dyes. When I got back from the store, I realized I had forgotten to buy the sponge brushes. I tried out the dump it all in method. I think it turned out pretty nice. Ok so the color I was going for was burgundy and bronzey brown. Instead it turned into this sunset color. I think it is a nice "mistake". Tomorrow I will be painting the dye on to see how that goes.
Posted by Melinda at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
My Crafty Sister
My sister sent me an email yesterday with 3 pictures of some beautiful headbands she made. My sister also likes doing things with her hands. She has always like ribbons, drawing and painting. She paints and draws really well but got out of it because she got pregnant with twins while still working. Needless to say all she wanted to do when she got home was collapse into bed and sleep. This was 4 years ago, my nieces are 3 1/2 now, and she still has her paints but has yet to pick them back up. (Oh no, she did pick them up once when they moved into their new house. She painted their mailbox with pretty wisteria. It looks like it is growing up the post and the mailbox itself.) Now she is into ribbon headbands. They are really cute and I told her she needs to try and sell some. Tree has always had a good eye for color. I have too actually. I remember once when I was looking at a dress pattern I wanted to make and it was in this awful colored fabric. My best friend, Stacy, was like ewwww that is ugly. I said yeah its the fabric. She was totally convinced that the whole dress was. I showed her the fabric I was going to make it in and she just couldn't "see" it. She even went as far to say if I wore that she would laugh her head off. I said ok, made the dress, wore it to school and wouldn't you know it she was the first one to say OOOHH Melinda where did you get that beautiful dress?? I smirked and said It's the ugly dress. For some people color comes natural and it always has for my sister and me. I always took it for granted that everyone could see the potentials of something in another color but a lot of people can't. I always see something in my mind before it is actually done. I see the way it will be, the colors that would go good, how to arrange it and what the finished product will look like. My husband is always baffled with my color choices and says oh that wont look good. Those outfits usually are the ones he gets the most comments about. Sooooo I say all of this because..... I wanted to show everyone my sisters pretty ribbon headbands.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Blogging the night away
I was checking out the many many blogs that I read and I found out one of my fav bloggers is having a contest. Check out her cute blog here.... Robyn's Words ..... I also got my dying yarn today! I am going out to get some things to start dying tomorrow. I am hoping to set up a shop on Etsy if all goes well. I am excited. I have love dying things since I was a teen. I used to dye clothes. Or whatever floated my boat. I wanted to get into silk painting but it was just too darn expensive to do. Now that I am into YARN my old love of dying is calling to me. I am going to do the painting on dyes on this batch. I love the effects. Dying yarn is so neat. You never really know what you are going to get. Even when you knit it up it looks totally different. I will be posting piccies of my new endeavor. Yall wish me luck!
Posted by Melinda at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The completed infamous Monkey Socks....
New sock....After posting the picture on the blog
I noticed this weird swirling effect the yarn is doing
I have to say I really like it.
My last sock looks so much better then the first one I ever did. I am so glad they are shaping up and looking better each time. Practice makes perfect I guess. I was listening to a pod cast I like called Stash and Burn. They were talking about things that are intimidating to knit and how when they first knitted they thought, oh I will never knit a sock that's too hard. LOL It's funny, what some perceive as hard other's perceive as easy. A sock is what I graduated to after knitting scarves. I look at sweaters and say oh not sure if I can knit that it looks so hard. I have the book Knitting Without Tears now and I just need to take the leap. It really isn't that hard if you break it up in pieces. I saw this cute shrug being made on knitty gritty and I have the yarn for it. I think I will make it next. I am going to make it longer though probably to my waist but still just put one button on it. I liked the way it looked with one button. It is a navy blue chunky yarn and I was thinking of getting maybe a huge, pale, pink rose button. I like navy blue with pink. I think it would look classy and also use up this yarn. I bought it for a patten in a book I have but the pattern has a mistake in it. I don't want to knit it now because I am not experienced enough to see mistakes sooooo now I have this yarn sitting in my yarn box. I hate having yarn that has no purpose in my stash. It is nice yarn, thick and soft, that will be perfect for this sweater pattern. I will start it after I finish my sisters stole.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
YES I finally finished the 2nd Monkey Sock!!!! It is drying right now on my drying rack and as soon as it is done, I will take a picture of the pair on my feet! Now I have started the sock from the sock a month club. I tried the lace pattern and couldn't figure it out soooo I am just doing a plain "vanilla" sock in the sock yarn I got. I like the way the sock is turning out with just the sock yarn. I really don't think it needs anything to dress it up. Check it out....
Posted by Melinda at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 17, 2007
This and that
It has been a super busy week. I am about 1/4 of the way done with my sisters present and on the rib part of the cuff on that last monkey sock!!! Whooo HOOOO. I so want to get them done and on my feet. That work a lace pattern a day thing really worked. I still haven't gotten a new needle from Knit Picks so my mom's socks are still sitting there. Ok for new news! I bought this yarn in the camel color so I could do this mystery stole! There is still time to sign up if you want to join in on the fun. I wanted to do some lace knitting and I love mysteries. I used to do mystery quilts when I quilted. They are fun and never thought about a mystery knitting project. I took a look at the other 2 she did and they are beautiful so I am sure I will like it.
Posted by Melinda at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Knitting In Public Day
Well knitting in public day happened to be on my wedding anniversary soooo needless to say I didn't do much knitting this day. I in fact don't remember doing any at all. I did take my knitting with me so maybe that counts for something hehe. I did however buy this snazzy hot pink Ipod. I had some money saved up and they were selling them at Costco for way cheaper then I had seen anywhere else. It is a 4 gig one so plenty of room for all of my podcasts and books I listen to while I knit. I need to knit her a sock though so she doesn't get messy. But here is a picture of her in all her glory...
This morning I was getting a little knitting time in. I was knitting on my mom's sock using the magic loop method (which btw is the only way to go!! IMHO) on my size 0 (yes size 0, I knit very lose) knit picks circs, and when I went to pull the needle though the other side to start the next round the cord pulled out of the metal needle.
I think I stopped breathing... I was like oh nooooooo. Luckily I only dropped 3 stitches! They are saved on a DPN for now until Knit Picks send me the replacement.
I like Knit Picks needles and have been using them for 3 months now and this is the first time this has happened. I highly recommend them though because the joins on the cable is really nice. I ordered some of the bigger sized circs that have the detachable cords. They are such a great price. If you like metal circs then check them out.
Well since my needles broke I figured I would start on my sisters Christmas present. Can I tell you how uninspired I was about this? I looked through 3 stitch books and just didn't see anything that caught my eye so I decided to just do a garter stitch on size 13 needles. That way I can just block the shawl open and it will look lacy even though it isn't necessarily a lace stitch. Here is a picture of the beginning and the yarn here. I haven't used alpaca before but I do have an alpaca sweater and I have to say I love this yarn. Its like poodle fur it is so soft and supple.
Oh and the monkey sock well it's still coming. They sure are living up to there name and have become a literal monkey on my back. Ha! 5 more inches to go! I have made a deal with myself to start doing one lace pattern a day til they are finished. I want to get them off the needle. I really liked the first one AFTER it was bound off. But I really just hate this lace pattern hehe. Not sure why. I guess because it really doesn't make sense to me and doesn't have a rhyme or reason to it so therefore I can't memorize it. It is only 9 rows of lace but for some reason I just can't remember it. SIGH
On to something not knit related. Ok maybe somewhat knit related.... I found a blog about knitting from the Yarn Harlot I believe and the lady was talking about going no poo. I was like huh??? It is about not washing your hair anymore because shampoo has chemicals in it that do more harm to your hair then help. I read up on it and thought hmmm I wonder if it would work on my hair. I have really oily hair and it is very fine. I have a hard time with it being fluffy or anywhere near fluffy and have to be careful with the shampoos or poos that I use because they weigh it down. I tried it today and just rinsed my hair in water and a little baking soda. My scalp feels a little dirty but not like I thought it would feel and my hair feels nice and soft. No little frizzies at all. So far so good! That would be so nice not to have to shampoo everyday anymore I don't really like to wash my hair so much but I just thought that there was no other way. I found out info on just by Googling. You can Google anything now and find info on it hehe.
Posted by Melinda at 11:14 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 8, 2007
Something I read...
Wow I just read Knitman blog and his last post made me so sad. Why do people think that Christians hate everyone that isn't just like them? I know through the years a lot of things have been done in the name of God that aren't good and are just plain evil. The thing is if you live the way God wants us to and model ourselves after Jesus then we become love. God is love. Pure and simple. That is who he is. Human beings are the ones who do things that are evil. We fall short of the way we are suppose to be and some even go far beyond what God's plan is for them. Some kill, hurt, and destroy and say they are doing it because God told them to. Those are only a few though and they seem to be the only ones that get the attention. The good stuff never gets put out in front only the bad. The media doesn't tell the stories of good that Christians all over are doing. They only tell about how this person who claimed to be a Christian killed a black guy. They only show on TV shows the Christians who are crazies and weirdos. People I wouldn't even want to hang out with cause they are over the top and totally not what God is. It is very sad and I know it saddens God all the hurt that is in this world. That is why Jesus died for us so that we can have hope and peace and spread hope and peace and joy and love to others. This world is the pits and the things people do and say are the pits but there is Jesus and what he says is truth. If you read the Bible, I mean truly read it, you would see it.
Posted by Melinda at 10:25 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
How I learned to knit
When I was around 12 my mom taught me how to crochet. I had admired for years a wool afghan my great grandmother had made. I asked her how it was made and she told me it was crocheted. I wanted to learn how to crochet so she taught me. I made various little barbie sized things and a couple of pot holder type things, but it never went any further. I didn't really like the fabric crochet made. My mom also is a knitter and when I was 16 I asked her to teach me. I then proceeded to knit a scarf. I don't remember what stitch I used to make it, probably just a garter stitch, but it was totally unwearable. It turned out as wavy as the ocean and no matter what I did to it, it wouldn't lay flat. I didn't know how come my poor scarf turned out this way but I decided I just couldn't knit.
Move ahead 16 years to a time when I was sitting watching HGTV. There was a show on called Crafters across the US or something like that and there was a lady that was knitting up purses out of wool/acrylic blend and then felting them. They were really cute and I wanted to make one. I didn't know how to knit!!! I thought about that scarf I knitted and how wavy it was. I thought about how that lady on TV made it look so easy. I was determined I was going to learn to knit. I ran to JoAnne's picked up some yarn and knitting needles, went home, and proceeded to knit this purse. It turned out really cute! I fell in love with knitting right then and there. I also figured out what I did to that poor scarf when I was 16. I made a perfectly common n00b knitter mistake. I wasn't taking the stitches off correctly so therefore I was increasing and decreasing thus making waves.
The moral of the story? Well just run out, get some pointy sticks and some string, and start knitting.... If I can do it anyone can.
Posted by Melinda at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Knitting Speed
The topic of speed knitting came up on one of my email lists called Sockknitters. I thought this was an interesting topic so I will blog about it. Some of the knitters said that they don't want to speed up their knitting and can't understand why anyone would want to. Some said that they enjoy knitting for the pure enjoyment of knitting so that is why they could careless how fast they knit. Others commented that the world is a hurry up and get ur done world (southern phrase added in is mine ;)). Still others said they would love to beable to knit faster because then they could get onto the next skein of beautiful yarn.
My opinion on this is.... I would like to be able to knit faster. I don't want to be a speed demon knitter who knits more like a machine then a person, but it would be nicer to be able to knit a pair of socks in one week. The reason isn't because I want instant gratifacation. I already have that as soon as I pick up my needles and knit one stitch. It is because I have so many things moving around in my head of things that I want to knit for the people I love. I want to knit my mom a shawl that she fell in love with. I want to knit my sister a really cute summery sweater. I want to knit my nieces these super cute dolls with clothes I found a pattern for. I want to knit my hubby some socks. My youngest son wants a griphandor hat and scarf. I want to design my own sweaters. I have an idea in my head right now of the first one I will be making. This is why I want to knit faster because I want to shower my loved ones with gifts. I want to wrap them up in the love I knit into each stitch. I want to know that they are safe and warm, wraped in the things I have knit for them. It's alright though I will keep on knitting and the projects I have in my mind will wait and be checked off eventually, given away as they are finished. I will sit back and enjoy each project as they come and continue to dream about the future ones.
Posted by Melinda at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 3, 2007
The Beach and Knitting
Well we finally made it to VA Beach. It was a great day to go too. The weather was absolutely perfect. The sun was high. The sky was blue. The ocean was well umm bluey, grey and COLD. The sand was sandy. Best of all I was hanging out with my guys. We had a great time with only one mishap. Liam decided to stand in the water for too long and the water washes the sand out from beneath your feet when you do that. It isn't so bad unless you are a balanced challenged person, such as he. He flipped backwards onto his back like he was walking on ice with a wave rolling in behind him.. I sort of freaked out because when he fell I had visions of him being swept out to sea on the next big wave. Liam got upset because I was upset. It took about 30 minutes for him to calm down. Every time I tried to say I was sorry for getting upset he would say I don't want to be around Mom. Poor thing I felt bad for making the situation worse.
We strolled along the boardwalk after that for a while taking pictures. When we came to a huge conch shell statue, his mood improved greatly. He loves conch shells probably due to Sponge Bob and his magic conch shell episode. After that, he was making his happy noises so everything was rosy.
Ok, so I did take pictures but I forgot my camera and had to use Dad's and well for some reason they didn't show up on his not so new computer. We will be going back next month so I will be taking more pictures with my own camera. I intend to take the same exact ones I took yesterday. That way I can show everyone the fun we had.
As for knitting.... I knitted in the car on the way up and back and some at my dad's while we sat and talked. I think my monkey sock is in that black hole of knitting as the Yarn Harlot mentions in her new book. I must have knitted one million stitches on that sock yesterday and it still isn't long enough to start the heal gusset! I kept trying it on and the last time I did and complained to my dearest, wise hubby. He says "Well just keep knitting and stop worrying about it" I was like HUH wow what a concept! Stop obsessing over the length of my sock. Hmmm was it possible? I put it into practice while I was knitting on the way back home. I still don't know if it's long enough BUT I did stop the obsession.
Posted by Melinda at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Knitty Websites
Today I was just looking around on the Internet and I found a couple of really neat sites.
White Lies Designs.... Vintage inspired designs. You can buy kits or just the pattern. I love Vintage stuff especially the 30's and 40's styles.
Marni MacLean .... This lady has some very pretty designs that are just up my alley.
Vintage Knitting Blog.... some cute pictures of vintage knitting.
There are so many things on the internet you could get lost for days. Ok back to knitting
Posted by Melinda at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Classic Dames Test
Your Score: Carole Lombard
You scored 23% grit, 4% wit, 42% flair, and 47% class!

You're a little bit of a fruitcake, but you always act out in style. You have a good sense of humor, are game for almost anything, but you like to have nice things about you and are attracted to the high life. You're stylish and modern, but you've got a few rough edges that keep you from attaining true sophistication. Your leading men include William Powell, Fredric March, and Clark Gable. Watch out for small planes.
Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the
Classic Leading Man Test.
Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Posted by Melinda at 10:25 PM 0 comments