Saturday, December 22, 2007

Perfect Dream.... sort of.

I had a dream last night where I was in the back yard having a pool party. There were lots of guests there most of them with British accents and the weather was a devine 85 degrees. We were sitting around knitting, eating and drinking coffee or tea. It was absolutely perfect until I walked past the pool right into a spider's web. (BTW I am terrified of spiders getting on me) It was a HUGE, grey spider. I mean this thing sat on my head and pretty much almost covered the top of it. It was very hairy but it had green eyes, that looked at you all beady like. I started freaking out trying to get the thing off my head. I was stuck! Other people tried to get it off too but it hung onto one strand of hair and wouldn't let go. Then I woke up. LOL Strange dream, of course I had to wake up my husband and mumble out "Spider on my head!" which probably just came out smmble om hd, because he was looking at me like I was nuts. Finally I woke up enough to say real words and told him about it and he said" You have really weird dreams." I have to agree, that yes I do.