Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Knitting Obsession

I have had other hobbies before.... beading, macrame, quilting, crochet .... and not one of them has hit me like knitting has. For years, I sewed my own clothes. I even designed a few outfits myself but I had to give it up because of babies. Those baby things take up a lot of time, you know? You can't really say, " Hey, you there, Baby, I just need to sew this one last seam then I can change your diaper, so you can stop crying now." No, you can't. You have to stop what you are doing before you get to that seam and if you are caught in the middle than be careful not to pull it out from under the sewing needle. I just pretty much have to give up my hobbies whenever I had a baby. They just weren't portable enough.

Now, knitting is something that is super portable and stopable in the middle. You can be in the middle of a row, stop what you are doing stick your needle stops on the end and do whatever the baby wants or needs at the moment. You can sneak in a couple of stitches while waiting in line at the store. You can sneak in a couple of stitches anywhere, really. As long as you remember the yarn is on the right needle then you wont ever make the mistake of going the wrong way.

Another thing I like about knitting, is the design element of it. I love thinking up designs. I see a shirt in a store and take the bits I love about it and replace the bits I hate about it and viola I have my own design. I see so many designs in my head of sweaters I want to knit and they are all my own. I found EZ's Knitting without Tears and she has made making my own designed sweaters a dream come true. I can now make a sweater with my own gauge and design. No longer do I have to follow a pattern that I can't seem to get gauge on. Just make my own gauge swatch, do a little math and I can make it my own.

I looooooooooooooooooooooooooove knitting.