Friday, August 31, 2007

Best Friends

Ok last night I was reading my emails before I went to bed and I got an email from Classmates saying I had a message on there. I went to check out who sent me a message and it was one of my best friends from high school!!!! I am soooooooooo happy! I have 2 best friends from high school, Julie and Stacy. I have thought about them often and wondered why they are up to since I lost touch with them both 14 years ago. These 2 girls were the best! We were always hanging out together either all together or one of us at anothers house. After high school Julie went off to college in Iowa, I lost touch with her but Stacy kept in contact. This was at a time when noone had computers really and I was terrible at letter writing so I guess this is why I lost contact. I don't really remember lol. Stacy and me hung out for a few years after school. Ok we hung out A LOT. We were pretty much inseperable. Then one day Stacy had to move out of the room she was renting and she didn't give me her new address. It was just a temp place so she was waiting to let me know her new place. I hadn't seen her much lately because she was busy working and going to school. I was busy working and taking care of my son. We hung out prob once a month at this time. The last time I saw or talked to Stacy was when she came over to get a couple of things from me and to borrow a couple of things. LOL We always swapped clothes. This way we could have double the wardrobe but only pay for one. She hung out with me for a bit had coffee and lunch then was off to school. She was moving into her new place that next weekend so she would call me when she got all settled, yet she never did. Now 14 years later, Julie has found me and she says she talks to Stacy on a regular bases!!!! I am so excited to be reunited with my best friends. Julie still acts like Julie. Now I just have to get in touch with Stacy. It is great to know what is going on with people I shared part of my life with. I have often wondered and prayed that they were both happy. I am sure Stacy finally found her man and has 3 red-headed beautiful girls like she always wanted. hehe I am so excited to see and talk to her, I can hardly stand it.